After the period of torrential rain in Durban, which was much needed, which was although fairly extreme and intense. Just a weird phenomena of weather patterns in S.A.
Sadly people during the torrential rain, lives where untimely lost, my deepest condolences to the respective families and in our sincere thoughts during this most arduous journey of picking up the pieces you shall remain!!!
On Thursday, I had a presentation to attend after the presentation and grabbing a bite to munch down on. I set forward to find my place of solace and revitalization.
While the Sun emerging radiant and enriching, while taking a walk (my treadmill), it was really energizing to feel this warmth emitted from the sun. It was such an amazing Cardio workout.
Durban is an exceptional beautiful place:
Amazing right! However, this only the beginning of this story, :)
While anticipating the place where ocean and land meet and exists, in this place that revitalizes and reinvigorates into tranquility and delights the senses, this is a special place, although upon my arrival there was something a miss, as I approached the pier, normally this is a place of activity, with bathers, swimmers and fishermen, as I continued with the walk as the pier become within the line of sight, there was only one person which I could see.
Thinking myself; “What’s going on?”
However, this question was sooner answered, as I found myself in a feeling of surreal, while trying to compute the scenery that was around me, thinking to myself; “is this real?”
This is the scenery that I’m talking about!
This lined the coastline from this pier as far as the line of sight was. As for how powerful and strong the current was!
Coming back to the person on the pier, As I proceed to walk to end of the pier to see the waves and was greeted by a humbling smile and as we exchanged pleasantries. The we began to converse, his name was Vusi Mkhize.
As we conversed, so he asked me; "What is it that I do?" to which I replied Marketing. As the conversation progressed, he asked if I knew how to create a website, now this question really intrigued me and generated curiosity, so I asked so why does he wish to create a website?
To this question I heard a most remarkable reply, which I'm sharing with you today:
“Most people who see us on the streets, think we are robbers, drug addicts, and the list goes on, however this is not the case.”
“South Africa is a such beautiful country, in this country we a variety of people from different walks of life, but we are just divided as a nation.
So I aim to create an organization to unite South Africans as one nation. As South Africans we need to heal and forgive.”
Later I learnt that Mr Vusi Mkhize was a Freedom Fighter.
As the conversation continued;
“You see there is “We haven’t properly forgiven, We haven’t properly healed and sadly we are not even trying you see. If it’s left like this it means how many years would it take to solve the problem of our country. Why?
If there's nothing done, it will still remain believe you and me! If there's nothing done, it will still remain!!! But once something like what I’m starting now about this organization, once you start something you bring people who are determined to work with you within it, then people start engaging and then it spreads, then people get into really seeing that you know what we have to solve, pull together and then something gets done.
Even now we need that determination now, and start something now so that as time goes on eventually the whole thing would be sorted out.“
As we went our respective ways, here was a man with just the intent to unite the people of South Africa, some really wise words that would serve South Africa well, unity among our people that makes us a unified nation WITH diversity, that drives us to the cusp of potential, which builds the foundation of the nation.
It is important for us to see and understand the impact as people, which we have on the environment.
“Sooner or later, we will have to recognise that the Earth has rights, too, to live without pollution. What mankind must know is that human beings cannot live without Mother Earth, but the planet can live without humans. “
Evo Morales
Ultimately as South Africans be exceptionally wary of those that seek to divide, talking with hatred while speaking from the poisoned chalice.
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