Thursday, January 17, 2013

Buying Likes for Social Networking Media

Buying Likes for Social Networking Media - is not what to do on social networking media!

This my perception of the situation – the Exercise of “Buying Likes” this goes against everything that Social Networking Media is about – and actually more harm is done to a Brand Image and Brand Reputation of the respective client’s image but also the Brand Image and Brand Reputation of the organization conducting these behaviours when it is becomes apparent of what transpired – and yes social networking is about “likes” but it is also about interaction, and engagement.  

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Biz Community and our Interaction

Greetings to you as an individual,

It is was an interaction and conversation between BizCommunity’s Facebook page and myself - which is a key source of my inspiration and belief in my passions of Marketing, Digital Marketing, Strategy, Innovation, and Corporate Entrepreneurship;