Thursday, October 24, 2013

Intrusive Promotion 101

In this generation with advancements in technology, systems, processes, which proliferate into the strategy/strategies for the Brand, so there are better and continuous improvements and value adds (in terms of shaping the influence, the strength, the sentiment, the passion and as well the role to take cogence of the Customer’s/Client’s Situation/s and Experiences which adds value to the Customer’s/Client’s Journey with the Brand.)

I have being called twice, once from a 011 (+2711) number and from a 021 (+2721) number as well and I answered, then caller was an automated system (“Okay, Let see what this is about” I thought to myself) but it was an automated system that tried to get me to subscribe to some service that I really didn’t (well now – after hearing what this was about) want to hear about (“Press 1 – if you want, like to subscribe?” “Press 2 – to hang-up the call” Wow an option to hang-up amazing – well I just press the hang up button on the screen and the call was terminated, Haha)

Really now, Hello to you Automated System, did you know that there is a difference between Marketing, and Advertising, and Promotion and Selling (in fact I am not entirely sure that services like these, can fit into any category – well maybe the Exceptional Annoying Agitating one, not entirely sure that these are services as well) – with even the audacity to leave a voice-mail message – really would I actual call back?

Maybe this Brand does deserved an award for being the Most Technological Inapt, but there is some competition (well, believe it) and there a few another Brands whom uses SMS/text as which goes all the following lines “New video message received! Open: a link to the site is displayed /optout: sms-stop- and number is displayed) – which implies the individual recipient of the SMS/text is already subscribed. I have heard that in regards to the Automated Call – when the corresponding number is pressed to hang-up the call – you are subscribed to the service – Wow, where did Transparency, Accountability, Due-Diligence, and Governance (Corporate) go?

Hello, there is something called the Consumer Protection Act and the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act in South Africa (heard of these Acts – Yes? No? Maybe?)

Now imagine, if someone decides to;
1.     Record the call via audio or video – and then broadcasts this online – well now the Brand/s has now,  just got automated in front of a live audience – and expect hostility (and a lot of it) towards the Brand/s,
2.     Typically you either sign documents, or you get a till slip, or you get a receipt (with serves as proof of payment, and/or proof of purchase) well depending on the nature of the transaction, In regards to the SMS/text – what would happen when the recipient asks for proof of prior confirmation (i.e. proof which is requested) that shows that they had intent to subscribe and indeed subscribed? (i.e. proof that the individual actually sent a SMS/text to the number, with the intention (a message via SMS/text) to subscribe) – Exactly guess what, it can’t be proved that the message recipient had tangibly, requested the SMS/text

 Hello, I don’t want to change my Facebook colour,
Hello, I don’t want to see whom viewed my Facebook profile,
Hello, I don’t want to view that video “sent by someone whom I didn’t know,”

With great technology comes’ an even greater responsibility,

Kindest Regards

“Aspire to Inspire
Live to Dream
Envisioning the Vision and the Opportunities”

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