Friday, March 28, 2014

My Passion - Marketing

Dearest You,

I am passionate about Marketing, Digital Marketing, Strategy, Innovation and Corporate Entrepreneurship and I aspire to be the Leader in Marketing, Digital Marketing, Strategy, Innovation and Corporate Entrepreneurship in Durban, then in South Africa and then the World. I know that passionate is somewhat clichéd (or overused) – but maybe being passionate is the perspective of being part of the greater, which is being realized by many individuals.

I know that the above vision and strategic intent seems a bit broad, but I believe in challenges and I believe in rising up to challenges and far surpassing the challenges via a solutions and internally – and asking for assistance and guidance when the need arises, and sometimes adversity makes exceptional Leaders. I believe in Dreams and Goals as these magnificent facets – which encourage thinking, questioning, understanding, belief, confidence, and to be aware of the potential we have as an individual and also within a Brand.

The 2014 Insights for Marketing – Coming to a Brand near you!!!
·         Social
·         Information (I called it Information – but it known more commonly as Data)
·         Mobile Marketing
·         Customer Experience
·         Personalization
·         Multi-Channel
·         Native Advertising
·         Localized and Geo-Targeting
·         User Experience (UX) Testing and Optimization
·         Micro-Targeting
·         Micro-Messaging

Kindly note that the above isn’t in any particular order – and sometimes to enable one of the above and to be brilliant - it would be beneficial to have another (or others) working in synergy (alignment) so that the Favourable Result is envisioned and Foundationsare set to build upon – and the Journey for the Brand is there.

Marketing – My Beliefs
1.       Marketing for me is inclusive of Digital Marketing, Marketing, and Mobile Marketing, Online and Offline (in other words)
2.       Whether it is on the Radio, or T.V, or via Social, or via Mobile, or via Niche, – there is an amazing opportunity for the Brand to show the positioning of Brand in relation to the experiences and situations of the individuals whom are currently customers/clients and whom have the potential to become customers/clients.
3.       I believe that in Marketing – it is imperative to continuously learn, understand and seek guidance and assistance where the need might arise 
4.       I focus of the seven p’s of Marketing which are (a. People, b. Price, c. Product, d. Promotion, e. Passion, f. Place, g. Processes) – to best understand the brand, and also for the teams to understand, and also for the customers and clients to understand the brand.
5.       Greatness is derived within the Brand via the Team, the Strategies, the Learning, the Understanding, the Enablers and when times get challenging the Fortitude to pursue the Favourable Outcome.
6.       I believe that there is amazing insights, knowledge and that are being created
7.       I believe in Creativity and Analytical Understanding – to see opportunities, to understand the opportunities, and then to seek these opportunities with the relevant plans, concepts, or strategies.
8.       I believe in Technology as an Enabler to accelerate smarter and strategic business – but I believe that it is imperative to have a Foundation, so that the Technology is fully leveraged to the best of its ability.
9.       I believe in continuously Learning, Understanding, Growing – so that I am in a position to assist the brand, and the team within the Brand and also so that I can further understand the position, the situation, and the experiences of clients and customers as an individual.
10.   I respect the Channels that are leveraged by Brand, but there is an element of Neutrality which impacts upon the Brand and with my understanding of the experiences and situations of individuals – I believe that the following must be asked;
a.       When current customers/clients and potential customers/clients watch your brand on T.V – does your content related to them?
b.      When current customers/clients and potential customers/clients listen to your brand on the Radio – does the voice evoke the sense to do business with?
c.       When customers/clients and potential customers/clients follow you on Social Media – do they feel as part of your audience?
d.      When customers/clients and potential customers/clients see your graphical presentation in a Book, a Magazine or a Newspaper – do they feel that the presentation is appealing to them?
e.      When customers/clients and potential customers/clients view your Online Ads – do they feel the quality of doing business with you?
f.        When customers/clients and potential customers/clients visit your site – do they feel excitement?
g.       When customers/clients and potential customers/clientshears your Brand Name – what does it mean to them?

There are just some of the questions that are needed to be answered, the role of authenticity and trust are important elements in Marketing, The greater the level of authenticity and trust the greater is the potential of the brand.

I am a Marketing, Digital Marketing Strategist – I have design the Authentic System (to protect you as the client of a Bank so that you are safe), Brand Motion Interact (to enable a Brand to come more Learning Centric in regards to your experiences and situations – and understands you better), I also the created the Totality of Digital Synergized Presence - this campaignwhere I acquired the site analytics and social media stats and presented this to the respective brand and there where more than 25 brands.

Remember the foundations of Momentum, Agility, and Fortitude has upon you and your brand in the respective journeys to reach the desired destination(s).

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“Take the time to understand yourself
Believe in Yourself
There is only one, You!"

It starts with a second, that leads to a minutes, that leads to hours, that leads to a days, that leads to weeks, that leads to months, that leads to years – Let us seize the moment to create greatness, and far-surpass our full-potential and creating a legacy!!!


“Aspire to Inspire
Live to Dream
Envisioning the Vision and the Opportunities.”

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