Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Internalized Insights Acquisition

Internalized Insights Acquisition

Dearest You,

Imagine if there was a magnitude of insights that where readily and easily accessible, Imagine if it was just a matter of time, and effort in acquiring those insights, imagine if those insights where shared for the brands’ benefit and improvement. There is amazing knowledge within and around a brand and channelling those inherent insights into understanding, and into strategy.

Internalized Insights Acquisition – fancy sounding name, right? But this is simply achieved by acquiring the insights, of the internal stakeholders (i.e. the Staff) within a brand. This could be in the form of a survey, or via email. There should be an aspect of confidentiality applied during all stages.

The Journey to achieving this: Part One
1.      The Survey is designed or the email address is set-up to collect the responses.

2.      The Survey and Email design; this provides the opportunity for those whom are within the brand (i.e. the internal stakeholders) to share insights, strategies, and brands that enthuse them;

a.      Survey – with the following:
i.                 Name:
ii.                Email Address:
iii.               What brands do you like?
iv.              Why do you like those brands?
v.                What do you believe we are doing well?
vi.              Where could we improve?
vii.             Interesting Strategies, Technologies, Insights that you like to share
-        Kindly note that the above questions are in a basic form and summarized.

b.      Email: The Template is predefined, one would have to acquire the template from the intranet site of the brand (i.e. the template is uploaded on the intranet): Kindly view point (a. from i to vii) above and insert that as the template. Subject to your preferences.
3.      Someone or a team within the Brand or an external organization is/are nominated/or appointed to collect, gather, and analyse the results – based on the size of the brand.
4.      In the various departments someone is assigned in that department to receive the results.
5.      Incentives as well could be utilized.
6.      Then an email is sent to the internal stakeholders – encouraging participation.
7.      The Results are then tabulated, via the one whom was appointed to collect, gather, and analyse the results.
8.      Once all of the insights are acquired, and formulated then the results are forwarded to the respective departments.
9.      Privacy should be applicable at all times.

That is the first part of the journey; the above would provide deep insights and understanding. You now have knowledge, and which can provide you with the required and needed actions, to achieve the favourable result. This would also encourage those whom view themselves as the custodians of the brand to step-up and arise. This should be a continuous exchange.


“Aspire to Inspire
Live to Dream
Envisioning the Vision and the Opportunities.”

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