Thursday, July 23, 2015

For the power of 48 hours

Make your voice heard by signing the petition right-now!

Dearest You,

In the power of 48 hours:  Think about this:

Are we South Africans or cant’s? ARE WE SOUTH AFRICANS OR CANT’S?

Imagine when you go to your favourite blog – which is no longer there,

Imagine when you go to a site which inspires you to achieve and to envision – it has disappeared,

Imagine the ramifications of this – within power of retrospection,

Imagine the perception of S.A, and the attitude in-relation to South Africa,

Imagine the feeling when you go to view a video – and you can’t,

Imagine a society with rights enshrined into a constitution – where your voice is on mute, stunted, and silenced,

Imagine the realization of all content being subject to approval, busy glazing at nova of stars, comes to the foremost mind,

Imagine the paradigm of the democracy when there is silence, and muted-ness unveiled,

Imagine S.A without the free-thinkers, those whom express themselves as the care, those live with zeal!

We have 48 hours, and we have this very moment to make our voices heard!

Fortitude Arising!!!



“Aspire to Inspire
Live to Dream
Envisioning the Vision and the Opportunities.”

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