Business Plan – The Journey of Your Brand(s)
Dearest You,
As you are reading this posting, some of you are going to be
venturing into new endeavours, industries, or opportunities – and you owe
yourself and those whom support you along your passionate and inspired
Expedition to far-surpass your full potential and greatness.
The year is 2014 and we live in a constant evolving environment
which is enthused by additional insights, opportunities, knowledge and
There is a perception that the Business Plan is not required,
there are many perspectives of reasoning. I believe that it is fundamental to
have a Business Plan for a Start-Up as a Brand, and also for new Business
Ventures so that the opportunities are fully capitalized upon.
you go somewhere, without knowing where you are going? Will you go there,
without knowing where “there” is? So why do this, by not having a Business