Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Legendary Advertising

Legendary Advertising

 It is said that there always a Movie, a Show, a Song, that defines and inspires a generation as a group of individuals, the same is true in the Advertising Industry, great adverts have the manner to inspire, to entertain, to share a laugh, to provide insights, to educate, and when that and the content, the music, the tone, the ambience shines through transparently - it is truly a joy to view and experience that creates a great and a brilliant Advert (and/or Campaign)

Greetings to the Digital-sters, Digital-star-ess, Blog-stars, and Blog-staress and to the Brands and the Organizations,

Advertising Insights;

I believe that the internal values of a Brand influence the Story, Outline, Plot, the Tone and the Message in the Advert – also in high competitive platforms (where there is a lot of Advertising) – the Brand Values create the means to differential and the means to individualize the Advert to the Audience as an Individual (in accordance to their situation/s, their experience/s via your brand)

I love Advertising that tells a Story/ or responds to a situation/experience,

The sense of the individual’s favourite team (scoring a goal, a touchdown, crossing the checked line first and a try) the pride of understanding and those are some of the aspects that should be encapsulated in the Advert,

Please kindly note that there is a fine line between Distinctive and just being Brash, a fine line between Entertaining and just being Asinine – but there is always an Advert that encapsulates the experiences and situations those are the Advert I treasure- that has the potential to go viral as the individuals (customers/clients) feel understood, acknowledged (i.e. valued)

I really appreciate are as following Advertisements;

International Inspired Advertising

Chess – King is in Checkmate – by BMW and Audi
Audi and BMW well played on a great game of outdoor billboard Advertising Chess – but this has worked well for BMW and Audi (according to me) but remember decorum and the rules as well as the regulation in your applicable Industry

South African Inspired Advertising;

 I just love how the way South African Brands (of International Organizations) can show a journey and a situation these two are McDonalds and KFC – it is brilliant, the way these two Legendary Icon Brands create such meaningful Adverts

McDonalds I love the Advert where a children as shown in a Children’s Home and the children go to an Senior Citizen’s Home and the advert music is Forever Young – just the smiles of the Young and the Senior Citizens is amazing, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8Xsk7GmjHc

KFC – I love the advert where an Senior Couple are dancing – and as they are dancing they are taken back in time and they become youthful and at the end of the Advert there is a KFC logo – this is amazing Advertising, http://www.youtube.com/user/KFCsouthafrica

 As a reward to KFC and McDonalds (and their respective Advertising Agencies) – and the some of the most inspiring and brilliant Advertising – most individuals know the legendary story (especially those whom are in Business) of Colonel Harland David Sanders (KFC) Richard McDonald and Maurice McDonald and Ray Kroc (McDonalds) – the chronicles of passion, fortitude, seeing value and potential, belief, and understanding, that is immortalized – so to celebrated the life and times of these great individuals whom pursued their vision and mission with such dedication, vigour, fortitude, belief and understand, in most individuals those values are true – so for KFC and McDonalds I believe that the time to celebrated the ones whom created and founder these Iconic and Legendary Brands across the world – Imagine a KFC Meal (The Legendary Meal/The Epic Meal) dedicated to Colonel Sanders and in the package/or on the packaging would have a story of the situations and experience that he faced and overcame in the name of victory. Imagine a McDonalds Meal (The McGrande/McChampion) dedicated to Richard McDonald and Maurice McDonald and Ray Kroc and in the package/or on the packaging would have a story of the situations and experience that he faced and overcame in the name of victory. The potential viral-blity and the Digital Marketing aspect would be an epic creation that is legendary.

I also like the Volkswagen Advert the experience is magnificent and the emotion from the story is amazing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-sSTtYvdMg

 I love this advertising by MTN (a telecommunication giant) it shows how a Brand and an Organization can create an awesome advert and keep it related to the service that is provided, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xABuq7hjUTo

I really love the message and layout of the Johnnie Walker “Keep Walking” Advert and the Campaign that emerged was brilliant – as an International Brand the conscious decision to showcase the South African Inspired Story – was legendary http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rhc3BwS4FbY

This is brilliance by Alexander Forbes – the tale of Dreams – my word it brilliance personalized and individualized that resonated, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elU-uCA6ZfQ

I just love the way Outsurance (an Insurance Brand) can identify with the individuals and create an Advert that showcases the values and situation and experiences that individuals, and businesses have, http://www.youtube.com/user/OUTsurance

I just find this advert by ABSA rather good the “Human Spirit” which is a good Advert http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6JvkeepSFU

I just love the way Mugg & Bean can showcase their Heritage and showcase their attributes, the history and the origin of the Brand – is great www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3_uFlJ-fAo

I just love the messaging of the FNB “You Can Help” Advert it was a great advert and an exceptional campaign that followed www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7Vyj9b1NyY

This Brand has being “Playing with Fire” Nandos – with interesting entertain value this is truly legendary, http://www.youtube.com/user/NandosADS

The Advertising Interaction and the Challenge between Santam (the advert of Santam was exhilarating) and Nandos was brilliant and legendary – well there was a challenge and it was answered profoundly, http://10and5.com/2012/04/26/nandos-official-response-to-santam-challenge/

The impressive advertising by Nedbank Group Investments – the pilot landed a plane on the Hudson River that is remarkable http://nedgroupinvestments.co.za/insights/Single/562

Doing the something and expecting a different result is defined as insanity, so this Brand #AskedWhy – so the Brilliance of Capitec Bank is duly valued http://www.youtube.com/user/TheCapitecBank

The Brilliance of Cell C in the most recent advert – wonderful to watch, power to such Advertising in line with what Telecommunications Brands provide http://www.youtube.com/user/CellCWeb

Also Allan & Grey and Investec just have an astonishing and fantastic manner in creating an Advertisement, 

Social Media and Advertising;

I am passionate about Marketing, Digital Marketing, Strategy, Innovation and Corporate Entrepreneurship and I aspire to be the Leader in Marketing, Digital Marketing, Strategy, Innovation, and Corporate Entrepreneurship in Durban, then South Africa and then the World

I don’t understand why some Brands and Advertising Agencies, in most cases at the end of the Television Advert placing a link to the Social Networking Media Accounts of the Brand in smallest conceivable writing,

I don’t understand why a link for the Facebook is provided for example (www.facebook.com/Brand) – I have a Facebook Account and I use the search functionality on Facebook – I am not going to type in an address into the browser as it would take up too much of time - also an individual may forget the link and when all you have to do is have the provide page username or the actual page name

We Ride Now,
We Soaring Now,
We Believe,
We are Living,

Kind Regards

“Aspire to Inspire
Live to Dream
Envisioning the Vision and the Opportunities”

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