Thursday, September 5, 2013

Marketing Insights and Strategy

Marketing Insights and Strategy
In this Information Era, where one can connect, interact and engage with individuals across time-zones, across cities, across countries,
My adage is “Aspire to Inspire, Live to Dream, Envisioning the Vision and the Opportunities.”
This means Aspire (To be Passionate) Inspire (My Actions/Decisions impact on my current and future and my reputation)
Live to Dream (Looking to the current and the future to improve, and to believe in the greatness and ability to far-surpass my full potential)
 Envisioning the Vision and the Opportunities (Focused on my goals and dreams, being respectful, a willingness to listen, observe, engage, interact, communicate)
Dearest Marketing-stars and Marketing-staress
Brand continues to adapt, develop, re-focus, create awareness, increase the sentiment, grow the reach, drive the passion towards the brand, and build the strength, in the pursuit of greatness, and far-surpassing the full potential,

In this era – these questions are going to be asked;
·        What does it mean to be in a Brand as an Organization in this era?
·        What does this mean to be in business in this era?
·        What do your individual clients/customers truly want and need?
·        How can we as a Brand add value to the customers/clients situation and experience?
·        How as a Brand do we know what is working and what isn’t?
·        What do the customers/clients want and need?
·        How are a Brand does we provide the customer
·        How can we as a Brand grow and sustain the market share?
To answer those questions I would take you as the Customer and as the Brand on an expedition from the individual customers/clients to the Brand as an Organization situation and experience
The Customer;
Call the customer - them
1.      The customer/client seeks a Brand that positively influences their experience.
2.      The customer/client through the stages and situations they want a Brand whom respects their situation, stage, and experience.
3.      The customer/client is draw to a Brand by the value added and created by the Brand.
4.      The customer/client respects a Brand that identifies with them.
5.      The customer/client has a connection with the Brand as the Brand focuses and places emphasis on them.
The Brand;
Call the Brand – us
1.      As a Brand internally perceiving Neutrality to understand what works for the Brand and the improvements that are required to positively influence the individual customer/client experience and the journey accordingly, and yes I said Neutrality – for example take into account the Online Platforms such as Social Media – an individual client/customer is draw to the Brand initially by the Branding, and the experiences and situations that have transpired in the past – but if currently the Brand doesn’t place emphasis on the audience as an individual – the customer/client as the audience may become distant or hostile.
2.      As a Brand to continue to create and adding value to the individual customer/client situation, stage of life, and experience.
3.      As a Brand to understand and actively listen to the individual customer/client.
4.      As a Brand to focused on Customer Centricity (Customer Retention and Customer Service) – I love social media but in terms of Customer Retention via Social Media, I am of a different perspective and I don’t believe in this strategy.
5.      As a Brand to use tools, resources, social media and platforms – to guide, to respect and influence the clients, customers as an individual as your audience, the client and the customer appreciate being valued and based on their experiences and situations they would provide the insights that can influence the Marketing Strategy as a Brand into current but also the future more or less depending on their E&S (experiences, and situations).
6.      As a Brand to increase the Market Share – the Brand would have to show an understanding, listening, add value, create meaningful relationships, and purposefully want to be better positioned as the Leader in the Minds, and Hearts of the Customers/Clients so to added the greatest value to the life stages, experiences and situations of those whom make us great.
7.      How to compete in Price Sensitive Markets?  This is a complicated question which depends on the Industry, the Brand, and other factors as well to answer the question is that you don’t – you added value and create a niche for example take into account telecommunication brands provide data bundles – now you can ask anyone in IT to explain what is a Data (which is basically raw info) so reposition the offering as Information Bundles with some additional tweaks and further enhancements – and we have just create a niche in the market by changing one word and the focus off creating value and build value. 
The Customer (Them) and The Brand (Us);
So the situation of Marketing is you have the customer (them) and the brand (us) on equally different sides of the spectrum but in this era the emphasis should be and focusing on becoming becoming we (them + us) to achieve the legendary and epic greatness to become an magnificent,
Think about this we are all Brands and we are all Customers
So as a Brand;
As a Blogger,
As a Bank,
As a Telecommunication,
As a Motor Vehicle Manufacture,
As a Cellular Phone Manufacturer,
As Tech Brand,
As a University,
As an Informational Network,
As you how do you contribute to the world?
I have designed a System for Financial Institutions (i.e. Banks) the Authentic System is designed to protect the client’s security from scams.
How did I know that the current scam situation would impact?
Actually it was fairly simple – Variable and Constant Focused Vision
·        The consistency of the increasing number of South Africans whom entered the Internet Environment so which is Constant
·        The current and existing security measures (software, systems) so which is Constant
·        The Experiences and Situations of the Clients – remained Constant
·        The increased audience for the Scammers – Increased Variable
·        The likelihood of a client/customer falling prey to scammers – Increased Variable
The Nature of the Scammers to re-design, and adapt scams results in the situation and experience where it is a Constant vs. an Increased Variable – and all the scammer has to do is create doubt, fear, or excitement in a Constant Situation as an Increased Variable as the means in the Environment and they have won.
Kindest Regards
“Aspire to Inspire
Live to Dream
Envisioning the Vision and the Opportunity.”

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