Showing posts with label About Kashveer Kash Gobichund. Show all posts
Showing posts with label About Kashveer Kash Gobichund. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Exchange Rate Alliance Strategy

Dearest You,

As We Explore - We Learn! As We Seek - We Find! As We Learn - We Grow! As We Find - We Understand! As We Know – We Define! As We Begin - We Walk!”

As a Financial Institution - how would you like to;
a.       Increase the Global Presence? 
b.      Acquire Interest at the respective Source?
c.       Acquire a Global Following?
d.      Be positioned to an individual (and many more individuals) by being on their favourite Global Site?

The Exchange Rate Alliance Strategy would provide:
a.       Building Alliances with Global Sites.
b.      Creating value for “the financial institution” and the Global Sites.
-          Building the Online Profile as“the financial institution”.
-          Increasing the site-traffic as“the financial institution”.
-          Creating Visibility as“the financial institution”
-          Promote Awareness as “the financial institution”brand.
-          Acquiring a direct-source of interactions on the “the financial institution’s”site.
-          Effective targeting and with personalization at the source.

Friday, March 28, 2014

My Passion - Marketing

Dearest You,

I am passionate about Marketing, Digital Marketing, Strategy, Innovation and Corporate Entrepreneurship and I aspire to be the Leader in Marketing, Digital Marketing, Strategy, Innovation and Corporate Entrepreneurship in Durban, then in South Africa and then the World. I know that passionate is somewhat clichéd (or overused) – but maybe being passionate is the perspective of being part of the greater, which is being realized by many individuals.

I know that the above vision and strategic intent seems a bit broad, but I believe in challenges and I believe in rising up to challenges and far surpassing the challenges via a solutions and internally – and asking for assistance and guidance when the need arises, and sometimes adversity makes exceptional Leaders. I believe in Dreams and Goals as these magnificent facets – which encourage thinking, questioning, understanding, belief, confidence, and to be aware of the potential we have as an individual and also within a Brand.

The 2014 Insights for Marketing – Coming to a Brand near you!!!
·         Social
·         Information (I called it Information – but it known more commonly as Data)
·         Mobile Marketing
·         Customer Experience
·         Personalization
·         Multi-Channel
·         Native Advertising
·         Localized and Geo-Targeting
·         User Experience (UX) Testing and Optimization
·         Micro-Targeting
·         Micro-Messaging

Friday, December 6, 2013

Brand Values Alignment & Synergy in Marketing, Digital Marketing, Communication & Advertising

Brands which are admired, Brands which are Epic – the Brands that set trends and that are truly legendary,
But every journey is not easy, there is time, effort and dedication that went in to overcome the endeavour, there are many (metaphorical mountains, and waves) that where present on the path to success/es – but there was a Vision (the dream), and a Mission (the now aspect – what must be done now to reach the dream, the goals) and also Strategic Intent (the values in which the Mission, and the Vision is completed)
The Vision, Mission, and Strategic Intent are equally important; these core factors assist one in the journey.
I hear you asking, but “what has this got to do with Business, Marketing, Communications and Advertising?”
The truth is that it has everything to do with Business, and with Brands from Marketing, to Communications, to Digital Marketing to Advertising, there is an internal and an external perspective,
The internal is the Vision, the Mission, and the Strategic Intent of the brand, the external is how the brand is perceive by those whom form part of the market,

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Marketing Insights and Strategy

Marketing Insights and Strategy
In this Information Era, where one can connect, interact and engage with individuals across time-zones, across cities, across countries,
My adage is “Aspire to Inspire, Live to Dream, Envisioning the Vision and the Opportunities.”
This means Aspire (To be Passionate) Inspire (My Actions/Decisions impact on my current and future and my reputation)
Live to Dream (Looking to the current and the future to improve, and to believe in the greatness and ability to far-surpass my full potential)
 Envisioning the Vision and the Opportunities (Focused on my goals and dreams, being respectful, a willingness to listen, observe, engage, interact, communicate)
Dearest Marketing-stars and Marketing-staress
Brand continues to adapt, develop, re-focus, create awareness, increase the sentiment, grow the reach, drive the passion towards the brand, and build the strength, in the pursuit of greatness, and far-surpassing the full potential,

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Legendary Advertising

Legendary Advertising

 It is said that there always a Movie, a Show, a Song, that defines and inspires a generation as a group of individuals, the same is true in the Advertising Industry, great adverts have the manner to inspire, to entertain, to share a laugh, to provide insights, to educate, and when that and the content, the music, the tone, the ambience shines through transparently - it is truly a joy to view and experience that creates a great and a brilliant Advert (and/or Campaign)

Greetings to the Digital-sters, Digital-star-ess, Blog-stars, and Blog-staress and to the Brands and the Organizations,

Advertising Insights;

I believe that the internal values of a Brand influence the Story, Outline, Plot, the Tone and the Message in the Advert – also in high competitive platforms (where there is a lot of Advertising) – the Brand Values create the means to differential and the means to individualize the Advert to the Audience as an Individual (in accordance to their situation/s, their experience/s via your brand)

I love Advertising that tells a Story/ or responds to a situation/experience,

The sense of the individual’s favourite team (scoring a goal, a touchdown, crossing the checked line first and a try) the pride of understanding and those are some of the aspects that should be encapsulated in the Advert,

Please kindly note that there is a fine line between Distinctive and just being Brash, a fine line between Entertaining and just being Asinine – but there is always an Advert that encapsulates the experiences and situations those are the Advert I treasure- that has the potential to go viral as the individuals (customers/clients) feel understood, acknowledged (i.e. valued)

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Marketing Ice to” Eskimos”

Individuals often say in Sales “Can you sell ice to an Eskimo” and so an indirectly question the asked from a Digital Marketing, Advertising, and Marketing Perspectives is” Can you draw up a Marketing, Digital Marketing, Advertising Plan for this.
I am passionate about Marketing, Digital Marketing, Strategy, Innovation and Corporate Entrepreneurship, and I aspire to be the Leader in Marketing, Digital Marketing, Strategy and Innovation, and Corporate Entrepreneurship in Durban, then in S.A and then the World.
So to answer the question above my answer would be No – because there is no value added to the Eskimo’s daily life and doesn’t benefit the organization and the Eskimo in the Medium to Long Term, I would export the ice to a Climate Zone which is Humid - because the organization and I would add more value to daily individual lives and abundant advantages (Strategic and Competitive) and opportunities will be attained this way.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

My Inspiration

My Inspiration;

My Inspiration is; You,

Yes I am passionate about Marketing, Digital Marketing, Strategy, Innovation and Corporate Entrepreneurship, and I aspire to be the Leader in Marketing, Digital Marketing, Strategy, Innovation and Corporate Entrepreneurship in Durban, then in S.A and then the world.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Greatest Marketing, Digital Marketing, Advertising, Communications Strategy/Concept

The Greatest Marketing, Digital Marketing, Advertising, Communications Strategy/Concept is perhaps the oldest one but it still holds merit and adds value in the Modern Era,
Have you ever heard of a pebble meeting the water?
 I am sounding a bit out – there or you are of the impression that I am talking in riddles
So what is it The Greatest Marketing, Digital Marketing, Advertising, Communications Strategy/Concept; which is still provides;
·         A Royal Flush
·        A Try
·        A Goal
·        A Podium Line Finish
Here it is;
Take a stone/pebble drop it into a pool of water, one would see ripples in the water"

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Biz Community and our Interaction

Greetings to you as an individual,

It is was an interaction and conversation between BizCommunity’s Facebook page and myself - which is a key source of my inspiration and belief in my passions of Marketing, Digital Marketing, Strategy, Innovation, and Corporate Entrepreneurship;