Impact of Social Media on Brands,
Music Artists, Movie Franchises, Authors, Brands, TV Shows, and Individuals leverage Social Media as a greater strategy to interact, to share and to communicate, to encourage debate (sometimes) and conversations, to network, to build and to enhance relationships, and to add value – which brilliant.
The Brand proposition ultimately – would have influence on the social
media platforms leveraged by the Brand.
I know that I have said that Social Media isn’t the right platform
for customer retention, but I love the embracive role the Social Media has created
in the uniting of the client/customer as an individual to the Brand.
As Social Media has the potential to create a bond (well, there
should be a bond and if there isn’t something within the Brand as an
organization went wrong along the journey – but there are always solutions) between
the Client/Customer as an individual and the Brand,
There is a mutual flow of info that Social Media has derived –
which is amazing, the amazing feedback and the manner in which some brands
process the info into strategy, in the creation of an enhanced brand is adrenaline-charging.