Showing posts with label Digital Marketing and Marketing Strategy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Digital Marketing and Marketing Strategy. Show all posts

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Advertising Experience & Getting the Win!!!

Dearest You,
 To create a powerful representation, that serves to acquire one’s attention. Sometimes brilliantly crafted; with witty and hilarious lines, it can be deep, impactful & profound, and on occasions it is a celebration.
 Bringing from the onset sheer intensity; to arise distinctive, bold & into creation of an endeavour personified in the campaign, in the awaking off the senses, providing the need to discover, to the representation in seizing the second!
 Advertising is what we are talking about at this very moment;
 Working towards the Win!!!
 Imagine: a situation when a customer walks into brand (store, office, dealership, etc.) – and no one currently knows the promotion/offer that the customer is talking about:

Friday, July 31, 2015

Inspired Greatness - Strategy

Dearest You,

Whom inspires you?

To dream, to rise up again,
To follow the path of your life,
To be the best that you can,
To challenge yourself,
To push yourself,

There many heroes and heroines exist, in all forms various types – many have started in the places with intense challenges, faced the odds and emerged victorious. Along the journey becoming the source of inspiration, and provided an intense spring of hope!

Presenting the: Inspired Greatness Strategy ©

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Essence Arising in Presence (Marketing)

Dearest you,

The Day becomes Night…The Night becomes Day….As Seconds….gives us minutes…As Minutes…gives us Hours….As Hours…gives us Days…As Days…gives us Weeks…As Weeks…=…to the opportunity continuously learn, add-value, grow, and understand.

I believe that to create the greatest experience, a brand must be inherently interrelated.

“The day we come upon this universe we have a Presence, then we are set upon an amazing, and exhilarating journey to discover, to grow, to learn and to understand the Essence of ourselves and the universe.”

                                                Think about this:
Do you have a preferred sporting event? Do you have a preferred, brand of device? Do you have a preferred gaming title? Do you have a preferred gaming console? Do you have a preferred app? Do you have a preferred sporting team/person? Do you have a preferred brand? Do you have a preferred T.V program? Do you have a preferred social-media profile? Do you have a preferred movie? Do you have a preferred type of music? Do you have a preferred newspaper, book, and/or magazine?

Thursday, October 9, 2014

The Future of Brands Reloaded - Generation Next 2014

Dearest you,

As we proceed, remember whom you are, whom inspires you, remember what you are going to achieve – envision this as your as source of inspiration, remember the potential that you inherently have. Venture to dream boldly and distinctively for you – believe in those whom believe in you as much they believe in you. As the start of a new dawn arises, as the clock ticks along delivering the journey of present, and of the future tense, while aiming for the moon of an alternate universe. Remember to rehearse, live every verse as you have achieved it already.

The Generation Next 2014 is created by HDI Youth Marketeers, Waltons (whom are “breeding success” amazing motto) and Monash South Africa respectively. An amazing thank you goes to Jason and Mokebe for time and effort. Also thank you to all those whom worked in the gathering of this amazing insights.

I acquired this for you via the team at HDI Youth Marketeers – a big thank you goes to all those whom assisted in the creation.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Exchange Rate Alliance Strategy

Dearest You,

As We Explore - We Learn! As We Seek - We Find! As We Learn - We Grow! As We Find - We Understand! As We Know – We Define! As We Begin - We Walk!”

As a Financial Institution - how would you like to;
a.       Increase the Global Presence? 
b.      Acquire Interest at the respective Source?
c.       Acquire a Global Following?
d.      Be positioned to an individual (and many more individuals) by being on their favourite Global Site?

The Exchange Rate Alliance Strategy would provide:
a.       Building Alliances with Global Sites.
b.      Creating value for “the financial institution” and the Global Sites.
-          Building the Online Profile as“the financial institution”.
-          Increasing the site-traffic as“the financial institution”.
-          Creating Visibility as“the financial institution”
-          Promote Awareness as “the financial institution”brand.
-          Acquiring a direct-source of interactions on the “the financial institution’s”site.
-          Effective targeting and with personalization at the source.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

The Impact of Social Media on Brands

The Impact of Social Media on Brands,

Music Artists, Movie Franchises, Authors, Brands, TV Shows, and Individuals leverage Social Media as a greater strategy to interact, to share and to communicate, to encourage debate (sometimes) and conversations, to network, to build and to enhance relationships, and to add value – which brilliant.

The Brand proposition ultimately – would have influence on the social media platforms leveraged by the Brand.

I know that I have said that Social Media isn’t the right platform for customer retention, but I love the embracive role the Social Media has created in the uniting of the client/customer as an individual to the Brand.

As Social Media has the potential to create a bond (well, there should be a bond and if there isn’t something within the Brand as an organization went wrong along the journey – but there are always solutions) between the Client/Customer as an individual and the Brand,

There is a mutual flow of info that Social Media has derived – which is amazing, the amazing feedback and the manner in which some brands process the info into strategy, in the creation of an enhanced brand is adrenaline-charging.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Leading Inspiring Brands in S.A in the year 2013

Greeting Blog-Stars, Blog-staress, Digital-Stars, and Digital-Staress

A very special thank you goes to the Sunday Times, TNS, but also all of those individuals whom have spent the time, and the effort in the collection and sampling of the results – and the provision of the insightful information,

Some of the Brands that would appear here are mentioned in the previous post – “Legendary Advertising”

Some of the results have surprised me – let’s just leave it at that, and celebrate those whom have won and those whom have the potential to achieve greatness and define their full potential

Marketing Insights

Kindly remember that in this age, in the industry, in this environment – there is a lot of insights and research that are suggesting that Customer Centricity is continuously is gaining momentum and Brands are focusing or going to be focusing on the “you” as the customer as an associate.

I have observed conversations, interactions, engagements in regards to situations and experiences – there is a situation of how does a Brand influence the Market Sentiment, Reach, Strength and Passion (to current and potential client/customers) in terms of leveraging creativity, innovation, technology, flexibility as a means, it starts within the Brand as an Organization to purposeful create meaningful relationships and network, synergized and aligned , and continuously improving (i.e. being the best the best that the brand can be each minute, each hour, each day, each week, each month and every year) – “walking in the shoes of your customers” whom have had experiences and situations and also knowing your brand’s greatness and the full-potential that is capable of being envisioned into reality currently and into the future.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Future of South African Brands Now

The Future of South African Brands Now,

 Update: See the 2014 report here: 

Greetings to you,

I would like to thank the Sunday Times and the Youth Marketeers, Monash University, and the Individuals for the research, the time and the effort that was undertaken in talking, interacting and engaging for the Generation Next project and then providing this insightful and mind-shaping content - Where the Young Generation (8 – 23 years) made their voices heard, the Brands that have shaped and influenced their lives where identified, and as well as those Brands that relate, and inspire, and start conversations, creating interaction and engagement. Some Brands are there, and some Brands have great potential to go there.

“Polling over 5 500 in six provinces.” So there was an incredible effort, time, research and the commitment to showcase the research which is great and awe-inspiring

“With an Annual spent of over R105 Billion;
Kids; R29.9bn
Teen; R36.2bn
Young Adults; 39.3bn”

This contributes a sizeable portion of the market, the Young Generation is the market that is the future for Brands, The Young-Generation are learning, watching, they see value, future clients and customers, There Young Generation is has spoken, the Brands that have won identify with the youth. Please kindly note that some categories only have the current top 3 – so you should acquire a copy of the Sunday Times to acquire an in-depth analysis. Well done to the Brands in specific Industries as well as, the Overall Winners.

Overall Brand Winners;
1. Blackberry
2. BMW
3. Apple
4. Coca – Cola
5. McDonald’s
6. Samsung
7. Nike
8. Mr Price
9. Mercedes Benz
10. Adidas

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Social Media Networking Platform news

I am passionate about Marketing, Digital Marketing, Strategy, Innovation and Corporate Entrepreneurship and I aspire to be the Leader in Marketing, Digital Marketing, Strategy, and Corporate Entrepreneurship in Durban, then S.A and then the World
In Social Media Networking Platform news
I have viewed;
·         LinkedIn has now enabled tagging/mentioning
There are more changes to be expected in the Social Networking Media Platform
I have heard;
Twitter –On April 30th, Twitter announced that advertising would finally be available to all users through the launch of its new, self-service ad platform. Previously, advertisers had to be invited to use Twitter ads -- and spend a minimum amount of money per quarter – via the full-service platform.  This functionality is currently only available in the U.S (check out for more) I do expect the functionality to be rolled out in countries across the world (perhaps sooner than you expect for some countries)

Marketing Ice to” Eskimos”

Individuals often say in Sales “Can you sell ice to an Eskimo” and so an indirectly question the asked from a Digital Marketing, Advertising, and Marketing Perspectives is” Can you draw up a Marketing, Digital Marketing, Advertising Plan for this.
I am passionate about Marketing, Digital Marketing, Strategy, Innovation and Corporate Entrepreneurship, and I aspire to be the Leader in Marketing, Digital Marketing, Strategy and Innovation, and Corporate Entrepreneurship in Durban, then in S.A and then the World.
So to answer the question above my answer would be No – because there is no value added to the Eskimo’s daily life and doesn’t benefit the organization and the Eskimo in the Medium to Long Term, I would export the ice to a Climate Zone which is Humid - because the organization and I would add more value to daily individual lives and abundant advantages (Strategic and Competitive) and opportunities will be attained this way.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

LinkedIn Tagging/Mentions - The Functionality is coming to you soon

There is news via the network that Linked In is currently testing “Mentions”/ “Tagging”
I do spend a lot of time on Online Platforms (Social Networking Media) and I acquired great insights in the aspect of Digital Marketing due to my passion for the Industry and eagerness to learn about Digital Marketing.

So the new functionality is envisioned to connect and provide notifications to the mentioned individual/brand/organization making life easier
I believe that this is a great functionality for a network with +- 200 Million consisting of individuals from many different and unique “walks-of-life”
With a colossal individual support base with the regional traffic ranking (acquired on the 13/03/2013) indicate this;

The Greatest Marketing, Digital Marketing, Advertising, Communications Strategy/Concept

The Greatest Marketing, Digital Marketing, Advertising, Communications Strategy/Concept is perhaps the oldest one but it still holds merit and adds value in the Modern Era,
Have you ever heard of a pebble meeting the water?
 I am sounding a bit out – there or you are of the impression that I am talking in riddles
So what is it The Greatest Marketing, Digital Marketing, Advertising, Communications Strategy/Concept; which is still provides;
·         A Royal Flush
·        A Try
·        A Goal
·        A Podium Line Finish
Here it is;
Take a stone/pebble drop it into a pool of water, one would see ripples in the water"

Monday, March 25, 2013

Hashtags on Facebook? Work in progress?

Acknowledgment to all those whom are passionate about Social Networking Media and Digital Marketing
I am passionate about Marketing, Digital Marketing, Strategy, and Corporate Entrepreneurship and I wish to be the Leader in Marketing, Digital Marketing, Strategy, and Corporate Entrepreneurship in Durban, then S.A and then the World.

Facebook might be incorporating #Hashtags into the interface – but I believe that; knowing Facebook and prior developments (such as the “Graph Search” functionality)  Facebook as an innovating Brand operates and transcends into countries boundaries but I would expect the functionality to be tweaked as if as a strategy/concept (as if the functionality is just merely duplicated/imitated then as a Brand you have not set yourself apart from those whom are in the Industry and the throne of the Market Leader/s is just for a few Brands.) Facebook could just adjust the #Hashtags concept/strategy into the platform, in unique manner.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Buying Likes for Social Networking Media

Buying Likes for Social Networking Media - is not what to do on social networking media!

This my perception of the situation – the Exercise of “Buying Likes” this goes against everything that Social Networking Media is about – and actually more harm is done to a Brand Image and Brand Reputation of the respective client’s image but also the Brand Image and Brand Reputation of the organization conducting these behaviours when it is becomes apparent of what transpired – and yes social networking is about “likes” but it is also about interaction, and engagement.  

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Biz Community and our Interaction

Greetings to you as an individual,

It is was an interaction and conversation between BizCommunity’s Facebook page and myself - which is a key source of my inspiration and belief in my passions of Marketing, Digital Marketing, Strategy, Innovation, and Corporate Entrepreneurship;

Monday, November 12, 2012

Dreams and Goals of Consumers from a Strategic Marketing Perspective

Dreams and Goals of Consumers from a Strategic Marketing Perspective

Greetings to you

A Dream is a preferably position. A Goal is the working towards achievement of that Dream

I must admitted I do spend a lot of time on Facebook, and Linked – In identifying new Marketing trends and what is needed by organizations  

I have had the privilege and honour to interact with a Durban based Strategic Marketing, Events, Branding and Conceptual Design organization called Euphoria Communications ( ) I was captivated by this quote that they posted

People are driven either by dreams or deadlines.” – Under 30 CEO

This is a great and true quote, I just had to thank Euphoria Communications for sharing this quote so I responded by saying “Great quote thanks for sharing. I believe that individuals are motivated by dreams and goals. And in Strategic Marketing finding out these motivation factors – provides key insights to an organization on how to connect and interact with such individuals” 

Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Solution to the Pricing of Petrol for Organizations and Governments

The Solution to the Pricing of Petrol for Organizations and Governments

Greetings to you,

Has anyone heard of the Economic Principle called TANSTAAF – There Aint No Such Thing As A Free Lunch Some Is Always Paying

I am pro (for) Marketing, Digital Marketing, Strategy, Innovation and (Corporate) Entrepreneurship – those are my passions and I will be a Leader those respective fields,

I believe that if you are in the process of starting an organization or already running an organization, this post will add value to the operations of organization/s – and provide you with insights as to how petrol price increases affects you and as well as your customers,

I believe that most organizations (those that are established and yet to be established) in South Africa have this in common all of these organizations are influenced directly or indirectly when it comes to Petrol Price Increases, And most individual customers are affected by Petrol Price Increase

That concept of Over-Pricing Petrol and/or Continuously Increasing the Petrol Price’s, might work in theory, but  the pricing model of Petrol is inelastic (meaning that price increases have little or no effect on the demand levels - because individuals still need to travel to work, go shopping, and indirectly organizations need individuals  to ensure operations continue) - The Economy is made up of many different structures and balances - so focusing the energy on one aspect would then surely result in a imbalancement which would translate into the South African Economy as a whole, as the transport costs of goods would increase and then services would prices would increase as a result,

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Small Business in South Africa and Digital Marketing

Small Business in South Africa and Digital Marketing

A small business should begin by focusing on the Marketing Mix - not the the mix that is found in some textbooks or article, but rather on the 7 p's of Marketing
1. Price
2. Product
3. Promotion
4. Place
5. People - individuals whom represent your organization
6. Processes - the manner in which business is conducted
7. Passion - Brand Loyalty - What do individual customers prefer your product/s and/or services over competitors

Digital Marketing and Social Networking Media

Digital Marketing and Social Networking Media

Digital Marketing/Social Networking Media(Facebook, Linked-In, etc) some say it’s a trend that will fade, while others say that it is here to stay, but I say in S.A as the Internet Costs drop, more and more individuals will start using Social Networking Media, providing a large target market and also provides transparency, opened communication and direct interaction with an individual or a group of individuals which results in loyalty to that organization, but it can also bring disloyalty if the reason for being on such media is unclear, or the customer service does not currently meet the customer's satisfaction, by the way I do own a customer retention concept called Brand Motion Interact,