Monday, December 10, 2012

Marketing, Digital Marketing, Strategy, Innovation and Corporate Entrepreneurship my passion – in 2013

Marketing, Digital Marketing, Strategy, Innovation and Corporate Entrepreneurship my passion – What we can look forward to in 2013

Greetings to you as an individual, as well as the Brands and The Organizations,

I am appreciative of the Time and Effort that you have undertaken in viewing this,

This is based on my perspective in regards to the aspect of Marketing that we as individuals hold dear – I am passionate about Marketing, Digital Marketing, Strategy, Innovation and Corporate Entrepreneurship and one of my core dreams and goals is to be a Leader in Marketing, Digital Marketing, Strategy, Innovation and Corporate Entrepreneurship.

I believe that as Internet Costs decreases and becomes continuously becomes more affordable – more individuals in South Africa will begin utilizing, sharing, interacting, engaging on the Internet and also Social Networking Media – enhancing the spectrum of online individuals whom possess the desire to share, interact, and engage with Friends, Family, Associates and as well as Brands, and Organizations that have an individual appeal to that online individual users.

Looking forward into 2013;

Strategic Marketing – this is about looking at what competitors (locally and/or globally) are engaging and interacting in and then as a Brand/Organization re-inventing the grounds on which competition is carried out on (i.e. if you are playing catch up in Marketing – you will still be second best that this approach suggests re-inventing, re-strategizing the game – so that you become the Leader in the Industry). Working alongside Digital Marketing, Content Marketing, Mobi Site, Mobi Apps and Online Stores in 2013.

Digital Marketing – this is about the efforts of a Brand, Organization via the Online Realms (1. Emailing, 2. Social Media, 3. Text Messaging and Downloading) this has come in to the fore in recent times – I believe that this will continue in and above 2013 as the internet costs continuously decrease, more individuals start using and embracing this platform into their Daily Lives, interactions and engagement, This approach provides the opportunity for a Brand, Organization to create a Mass Appealing Message (that appeals to a group of individuals via the same platform) or an Individual Interactive and engaging interaction between the Brand, Organization and that individual. Working alongside Strategic Marketing, Content Marketing, Mobi Site, Mobi Apps and Online Stores in 2013.

Content Marketing – this is about a Brand, Organization identifying with its individual customer based on individual customer’s situation, dreams, goals, and passions – creating a message that will attract an individual to a Brand, Organization based on their knowledge of the individual customers and how as a Brand, Organization (they) would provide content( which is meaningful)l to that particular individual. Working alongside Strategic Marketing, Digital Marketing, Mobi Site, Mobi Apps and Online Stores in 2013.

Mobi Sites and Mobi Apps and Online Stores– Yes more mobi apps and sites - Financial Institutions where extremely quick to capitalize on this (think about this, “you go to work and then you realized that you forgot your wallet at home – what to do – either drive all the way home, or develop a sudden and inexplicable illness or sickness – or you use your Banking App/Site and your money is sent to the nearest ATM – convenience redefined.”) Online Stores would play a role in 2013 as the E-Commerce Sector in S.A begins to develop and soar, this provision provides convenience and as long as there is interaction and a well thought out (strategies, systems, and processes) are in place this have the potential to attract a great potential to a Brand, Organization. Working alongside Strategic Marketing, Digital Marketing, and Content Marketing in 2013.

Neuro-Marketing – This is as the name suggest Marketing to an Individual’s mind, and studying of an individual’s mind to get an understanding of the core triggers of behaviours of the individual customers, what makes one set of individuals prefer one Brand, Organization over another – it deals a lot with subconscious and meme (Fragrance; of an Eau de Toilette , Food, and Characters in movies, songs that are stored in an individual’s memory) –so understanding the triggers that influence and shape buying behaviour, and adding the findings into the Marketing and Advertising Message but this is more a global feature – please this should be adapted to influence buying behaviour.

Gamification –a “gaming” experience, this is fairly exciting and interesting as provides a new situation on completing a task, activity (depending on the type of gaming) most individual do some-what embrace games – as it is sometimes promotes interactive-ness, engaging and higher concentration level, there a couple of websites in S.A currently whom utilize this platform or in the process of utilizing this, but this is more a global feature.

Radio, Print, and T.V – The conventionally Aspects might have to re-strategize, and re-evaluated certain key aspects, but I think T.V could just remain at the top of the advertising matrix but T.V must prove that the top ranking is well deserved – but I am less certain about Radio and Print (there has being a decrease in the readership of some papers) as the instantaneous has involved with the provision being on information delivery in a now and immediate time frame. But there might be a stealthy influencer in this channel which is currently not seen as it might not be viewed as a direct competitor, but it is there.

I believe that each channel has a unique role to play and this is influenced according to the Marketing Strategy of the Brand and Organization and the message that they are trying to create, develop upon to impact on and in influencing individuals.

Recently I have played a very popular PC Game in the offline environment – and there was a Challenge and upon you completing the challenge you got a discount from the Brand, Organization that asked the Gaming Label to create this, is brilliant Marketing, Advertising, and Branding

Well and almost all of the above (Strategic Marketing, Digital Marketing, Content Marketing, Mobi Sites and Mobi Apps, Online Stores) and a couple of core element that unites the above– you may be curious as to you, I say “Individual “because a Target Market, and a LSM is made up of a group of individuals whom might have Demographic and Psychographic similarities, but there are certain key aspects that sets them apart.

For those individuals and Digital Marketing Agencies whom are indulging in exercise of “Buying Likes” this goes against everything that Social Networking Media is about – and actually more harm is done to a Brand Image and Brand Reputation of your clients image but also your image and, reputation

Trending Focus on a Brand and Organization side that would come to the fore 2013;

Networking, Association, Collaboration, Diversification, Interaction, Individualization and certain other trending focuses.

I would like this opportunity to express my gratitude, appreciation to all those individuals, Brands and Organizations that have assisted, guided, shared, interacted and engaged with me in South Africa, in the U.S and U.K, thank you for influencing and shaping my thinking and I am appreciative your time and effort that you have undertaken in viewing this – I am sure that you will find it valuable.

In your success

Kashveer "Kash" Gobichund


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