Friday, December 6, 2013

Brand Values Alignment & Synergy in Marketing, Digital Marketing, Communication & Advertising

Brands which are admired, Brands which are Epic – the Brands that set trends and that are truly legendary,
But every journey is not easy, there is time, effort and dedication that went in to overcome the endeavour, there are many (metaphorical mountains, and waves) that where present on the path to success/es – but there was a Vision (the dream), and a Mission (the now aspect – what must be done now to reach the dream, the goals) and also Strategic Intent (the values in which the Mission, and the Vision is completed)
The Vision, Mission, and Strategic Intent are equally important; these core factors assist one in the journey.
I hear you asking, but “what has this got to do with Business, Marketing, Communications and Advertising?”
The truth is that it has everything to do with Business, and with Brands from Marketing, to Communications, to Digital Marketing to Advertising, there is an internal and an external perspective,
The internal is the Vision, the Mission, and the Strategic Intent of the brand, the external is how the brand is perceive by those whom form part of the market,

Sometimes it is great to view a message being told in a humorous and then sometimes in an entertaining manner, and sometimes it is great to view in an uplifting message and sometimes a positive message, is all that is takes for a smile to be shared,
At the end of the day if every brand had the same message to tell or share, it would most likely be diluted and predictability not be viewed,
But a situation arises when Marketing, Advertising, Communication and the Digital Marketing message is viewed only and the Vision, the Mission and the Strategic Intent is left out of the message,
Okay, let us take an example,
Let us take a concept which is easy to explain – everyone has clothes (well more or less, less or more depending) – and everyone has to wash their clothes at some point, so let’s take washing power as an example
So we now manufacture and distribute washing power (laundry care product)
·        The Brand is positioned as Green (Eco-Friendly, as being Environmental Sustainable)
·        The Brand’s posts on Social Media as geared towards that,
·        But in an advert – it is shown that only one item of clothing is placed into the washing machine, to remove a stain so in other words the same volume of water is used to wash just one item of clothing that could be used wash a full load of clothes, there is disconnection between what is being said and what is being illustrated,
So keep calm, I was just using the above as an example besides I know why you as an individual acquire washing powder ….And it is not to remove stains…..I believe not …..
So in truth the advert doesn’t reflect the Strategic Intent of your Brand, and there is a disconnect in regards to the Marketing, Digital Marketing, Advertising, Communication in relation to the Mission, the Vision and the Strategic Intent of the Brand,
I am passionate about Marketing, Digital Marketing, Strategy, Innovation and Corporate Entrepreneurship and I aspire to be the Leader in Marketing, Digital Marketing, Strategy, and Corporate Entrepreneurship in Durban, then S.A and then the World
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“Aspire to Inspire
Live to Dream
Envisioning the Vision and the Opportunities.

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