Sunday, January 12, 2014

The Impact of Social Media on Brands

The Impact of Social Media on Brands,

Music Artists, Movie Franchises, Authors, Brands, TV Shows, and Individuals leverage Social Media as a greater strategy to interact, to share and to communicate, to encourage debate (sometimes) and conversations, to network, to build and to enhance relationships, and to add value – which brilliant.

The Brand proposition ultimately – would have influence on the social media platforms leveraged by the Brand.

I know that I have said that Social Media isn’t the right platform for customer retention, but I love the embracive role the Social Media has created in the uniting of the client/customer as an individual to the Brand.

As Social Media has the potential to create a bond (well, there should be a bond and if there isn’t something within the Brand as an organization went wrong along the journey – but there are always solutions) between the Client/Customer as an individual and the Brand,

There is a mutual flow of info that Social Media has derived – which is amazing, the amazing feedback and the manner in which some brands process the info into strategy, in the creation of an enhanced brand is adrenaline-charging.

Within the Brand on Social Media – has always being somewhat of a challenge for some Brands in terms of Accountability and Responsibility - is the responsibility of Social Media on Marketing, or Digital Marketing, or Communications or a combination of the various facets? The answer is generally dependent on the Brand itself, the manner in which the Brand approaches and embraces Social Media (remember when I said to “perceive Neutrality” in the previous post entitled Marketing Insights and Strategy – “an individual client/customer is draw to the Brand initially by the Branding, and the experiences and situations that have transpired in the past – but if currently the Brand doesn’t place emphasis on the audience as an individual – the customer/client as the audience may become distant or hostile.”) 

But I do believe as a result of Social Media – some brands have begun or are beginning to focus on Customer Retention as key strategy in the provision of the magnificent brand for the clients/customers as individuals, and for the various other stakeholders within the Brand.

….The Audience as an individual and the Brand are united by the Level of Trust, the Authenticity, the Sincerity, the Reach, the Sentiment, the Strength, and the Passion of the Brand – but all are interconnected by a magnificent aspect or by magnificent aspects….

As you know that I am passionate about Marketing, Digital Marketing, Strategy, Innovation and Corporate Entrepreneurship and I aspire to be the Leader in Marketing, Digital Marketing, Strategy, Innovation and Corporate Entrepreneurship in Durban, in S.A and in the World.

The Role of the Recruitment Strategy, and Human Capital in Social Media within the Brand?
I am of the belief that there is a role – but it depends on the brand, and the nature, skills and traits that are required by the Brand, and there is a greater role and there are significant opportunities in this regard – but it is equally amazing that only a few on a global scale have identified this, individuals are attracted to different brands for different reasons with some individuals are just looking for a job, but other individuals are attracted to the Brand, because their envision themselves being with that brand, or the brand represents something which is held dear to that particular individual – so think Career Pages with Career Advice, etc.  or via Apps on Social Media Platforms - for a brand to show what it is like to be within the Brand, to create content for those whom aspire to be in the brand. Also Crowding Sourcing Recruitment sites such as Hiring Bounty could have an even greater role to play in the Human Capital (HR) strategy in the Brand as an organization. And kindly note that I am not (in any form or way) implying or stating that there must only be Social Media Recruitment, the Recruitment Strategy in terms of Pre-Screening & Screening, Selection, etc. should still (well for now) apply and the Social Media platform is there to compliment the Human Capital Unit and position of greatness for the passionate.

There is an assumption on the part of some Brands that only Clients/Customers leverage Social Media – but could it be possible that Investors also leverage Social Media or monitor the Brand via Social Media, that they are (currently) affiliated to by tools and resources?  

There is still the question of the Social Media impact on Brands;

Social Media is a multi-dimensional platform that influences the augmentation of the Brands’ message and positioning (to an extent) in relation to perceptions, situations and experiences by the clients and the customers as individuals as the Brand’s Audience. Think in terms of the Awareness vs. the Exposure of Brand which can either supercharge and/or turbocharge (also known as amplify) the Brand’s message to a particular individual – that there is where the opportunities are and then to the audience) or Social Media can be the magnifying glass that can adversely impact on the Brand.

Ultimately it would depend on the vision, on the mission and on the strategy in which Social Media is leveraged in relation to the Brand;

Social Media provides an opportunity to be truly innovative like for example a Movie Franchise emphasising the leveraging of the Social Media platform like creating two or more scenes and then asking the audience as individual to indicate which scene is preferred, the same could apply to brands - create Advertisements (or scenes within the Advert) and the brand ask the individual audience to indicate the one that they prefer.

Social Media provides some interesting debates and conversations, as an individual remember to have perspective and draw influence from your own unique experiences and situations. And for Brands remember there is only one brand that has the name, the brand, the characteristics and the traits so be authentic, sincere and innovative with acknowledging the Brand of You.

I hope you have enjoyed the content, but what is your perspective?

I know that Facebook (sometimes affectionately known as FB) has being mentioned in various publications, platforms, etc. (online and offline) – but there are always three-sides to a story or a situation, with Facebook being a listed Brand, and to take that sort of exposure risk (which has been indicated) is bewildering – I have followed Facebook and other Social Media Platforms brands closely – and always looking at the strategies, the functionalities and the enhancements that are being envisioned – I am surprised and I don’t believe currently that a brand as an organization such as Facebook would knowingly and intentionally adversely impact upon the level of the trust, reputation, strength, reach, passion, and sentiment that being created over time especially in regards to other developments that have occurred.

Is the Brand - Social Media ready should be asked on a continuous basis?

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“Aspire to Inspire
Live to Dream
Envisioning the Vision and the Opportunities”

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