Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Greatest Marketing, Digital Marketing, Advertising, Communications Strategy/Concept

The Greatest Marketing, Digital Marketing, Advertising, Communications Strategy/Concept is perhaps the oldest one but it still holds merit and adds value in the Modern Era,
Have you ever heard of a pebble meeting the water?
 I am sounding a bit out – there or you are of the impression that I am talking in riddles
So what is it The Greatest Marketing, Digital Marketing, Advertising, Communications Strategy/Concept; which is still provides;
·         A Royal Flush
·        A Try
·        A Goal
·        A Podium Line Finish
Here it is;
Take a stone/pebble drop it into a pool of water, one would see ripples in the water"

Seems unique and strange perception for one to have? Right,
I said that I was passionate about Marketing, Digital Marketing, Strategy, Innovation and Corporate Entrepreneurship and I aspire to be the Leader in Marketing, Digital Marketing, Strategy, Innovation and Corporate Entrepreneurship in Durban, then in S.A and then in the World,
So listen please don’t go around and hit individuals with stones whether they are on land or it the water – as you would probably end up in serious trouble,
Marketing and Digital Marketing, Communications and Advertising is about a brand/organization relating to an individual via the Brands/Organizations actions, Right?
So the analogy “Take a stone/pebble drop it into a pool of water, one would see ripples in the water" is a metaphor;
- The "stone/pebble" is the message/communication from the brand/organization,
- The "pool of the water" is the platform
- The “water” is the individual audience,
- The”ripplesare how well the message/communication is perceived by the individuals whom form your brand.
Marketing, Digital Marketing, Communications, Advertising is in essence about understanding the individuals whom form part of the brand and creating content they can identify with via the means the Brand/Organization leverages or yet to leverage.
And that is how a Brand would acquire a loyal and passionate individual following as the Brand/Organization interacts, and engages in a manner that places emphasis on engagement, interaction that adds and delivers value to the individual whom is;
-        Watching your story on T.V
-        Following your journey on Social Networking Media
-        Listening to your Voice on the Radio
-        Interacting and Engaging with you via Email
I believe that this would add value to the operation and strategizing of your Brand and Organization,
Kindest Regards

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