Showing posts with label Advertising. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Advertising. Show all posts

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Advertising Experience & Getting the Win!!!

Dearest You,
 To create a powerful representation, that serves to acquire one’s attention. Sometimes brilliantly crafted; with witty and hilarious lines, it can be deep, impactful & profound, and on occasions it is a celebration.
 Bringing from the onset sheer intensity; to arise distinctive, bold & into creation of an endeavour personified in the campaign, in the awaking off the senses, providing the need to discover, to the representation in seizing the second!
 Advertising is what we are talking about at this very moment;
 Working towards the Win!!!
 Imagine: a situation when a customer walks into brand (store, office, dealership, etc.) – and no one currently knows the promotion/offer that the customer is talking about:

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Legendary Advertising

Legendary Advertising

 It is said that there always a Movie, a Show, a Song, that defines and inspires a generation as a group of individuals, the same is true in the Advertising Industry, great adverts have the manner to inspire, to entertain, to share a laugh, to provide insights, to educate, and when that and the content, the music, the tone, the ambience shines through transparently - it is truly a joy to view and experience that creates a great and a brilliant Advert (and/or Campaign)

Greetings to the Digital-sters, Digital-star-ess, Blog-stars, and Blog-staress and to the Brands and the Organizations,

Advertising Insights;

I believe that the internal values of a Brand influence the Story, Outline, Plot, the Tone and the Message in the Advert – also in high competitive platforms (where there is a lot of Advertising) – the Brand Values create the means to differential and the means to individualize the Advert to the Audience as an Individual (in accordance to their situation/s, their experience/s via your brand)

I love Advertising that tells a Story/ or responds to a situation/experience,

The sense of the individual’s favourite team (scoring a goal, a touchdown, crossing the checked line first and a try) the pride of understanding and those are some of the aspects that should be encapsulated in the Advert,

Please kindly note that there is a fine line between Distinctive and just being Brash, a fine line between Entertaining and just being Asinine – but there is always an Advert that encapsulates the experiences and situations those are the Advert I treasure- that has the potential to go viral as the individuals (customers/clients) feel understood, acknowledged (i.e. valued)