Friday, March 28, 2014

My Passion - Marketing

Dearest You,

I am passionate about Marketing, Digital Marketing, Strategy, Innovation and Corporate Entrepreneurship and I aspire to be the Leader in Marketing, Digital Marketing, Strategy, Innovation and Corporate Entrepreneurship in Durban, then in South Africa and then the World. I know that passionate is somewhat clichéd (or overused) – but maybe being passionate is the perspective of being part of the greater, which is being realized by many individuals.

I know that the above vision and strategic intent seems a bit broad, but I believe in challenges and I believe in rising up to challenges and far surpassing the challenges via a solutions and internally – and asking for assistance and guidance when the need arises, and sometimes adversity makes exceptional Leaders. I believe in Dreams and Goals as these magnificent facets – which encourage thinking, questioning, understanding, belief, confidence, and to be aware of the potential we have as an individual and also within a Brand.

The 2014 Insights for Marketing – Coming to a Brand near you!!!
·         Social
·         Information (I called it Information – but it known more commonly as Data)
·         Mobile Marketing
·         Customer Experience
·         Personalization
·         Multi-Channel
·         Native Advertising
·         Localized and Geo-Targeting
·         User Experience (UX) Testing and Optimization
·         Micro-Targeting
·         Micro-Messaging

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The Foundations

Dearest You,

·        To build a Home – it is imperative that you have a well-founded Foundation
·        To build a Fortress – it is equally imperative to have well-founded Foundations
·        To create a magnificent Brand – it is imperative to have a strong Foundation within the Brand.

I am passionate about Marketing, Digital Marketing, Strategy, Innovation and Corporate Entrepreneurship and I aspire to be the Leader in Marketing, Digital Marketing, Strategy, Innovation and Corporate Entrepreneurship in Durban, in S.A and in the World.

Industries and Brands are continuously evolving in terms of new insights, new knowledge and increased understanding – which makes it even more strategic to have the right Foundations within the Brand to enhance the Brand’s dynamisms, proactive-ness and innovative-ness.

If a Brand has a strong Foundation – Brand can move vertically and horizontally with the Strength, Agility and Flexibility in acquiring the opportunities.     

The Understanding of Foundations;
Foundations are the ground-work that provides the acceleration for the Brand forward into opportunities, understanding, insights and being innovative. Foundations create the Brand as an organization. The Foundations are there to create Agility and Flexibility in achieving opportunities, the Vision and Mission of the Brand – and when challenges occur – the Foundations provide the aspects of action, learning, the understanding, and the resources to far-surpass the challenges which give rise to opportunities.

The Business Plan – The Journey of Your Brand(s) - Understanding why you need a Business Plan

The Business Plan – The Journey of Your Brand(s)
Dearest You,
As you are reading this posting, some of you are going to be venturing into new endeavours, industries, or opportunities – and you owe yourself and those whom support you along your passionate and inspired Expedition to far-surpass your full potential and greatness.
The year is 2014 and we live in a constant evolving environment which is enthused by additional insights, opportunities, knowledge and understanding.
There is a perception that the Business Plan is not required, there are many perspectives of reasoning. I believe that it is fundamental to have a Business Plan for a Start-Up as a Brand, and also for new Business Ventures so that the opportunities are fully capitalized upon.
Will you go somewhere, without knowing where you are going? Will you go there, without knowing where “there” is? So why do this, by not having a Business Plan?