Showing posts with label LinkedIn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LinkedIn. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Social Media Networking Platform news

I am passionate about Marketing, Digital Marketing, Strategy, Innovation and Corporate Entrepreneurship and I aspire to be the Leader in Marketing, Digital Marketing, Strategy, and Corporate Entrepreneurship in Durban, then S.A and then the World
In Social Media Networking Platform news
I have viewed;
·         LinkedIn has now enabled tagging/mentioning
There are more changes to be expected in the Social Networking Media Platform
I have heard;
Twitter –On April 30th, Twitter announced that advertising would finally be available to all users through the launch of its new, self-service ad platform. Previously, advertisers had to be invited to use Twitter ads -- and spend a minimum amount of money per quarter – via the full-service platform.  This functionality is currently only available in the U.S (check out for more) I do expect the functionality to be rolled out in countries across the world (perhaps sooner than you expect for some countries)

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

LinkedIn Tagging/Mentions - The Functionality is coming to you soon

There is news via the network that Linked In is currently testing “Mentions”/ “Tagging”
I do spend a lot of time on Online Platforms (Social Networking Media) and I acquired great insights in the aspect of Digital Marketing due to my passion for the Industry and eagerness to learn about Digital Marketing.

So the new functionality is envisioned to connect and provide notifications to the mentioned individual/brand/organization making life easier
I believe that this is a great functionality for a network with +- 200 Million consisting of individuals from many different and unique “walks-of-life”
With a colossal individual support base with the regional traffic ranking (acquired on the 13/03/2013) indicate this;