Thursday, January 12, 2017

Wanted Growth! Brought the Intensity

With the start of the new year, comes new aspirations and hope, sometimes these are presented by the term of ‘resolutions’ (well hopeful these are reinforced with and into action.)

New Year Resolutions

Personally, I don’t do this resolution stuff as, if I’ve learnt anything about Digital Marketing, it is that you’ve gotta be agile and if you see an area that needs work or to be improved upon, do it and follow through!

Although do what works for you!

As the kids have made, their returned to back school after the December vacation yesterday, and still with a sense of excitement in the air,

Here goes a story that took place recently,

Last week Friday, I was having a look at my gym completion schedule (number of times I’ve gymed in a year.)

Then this past Sunday as I was chilling, going through a Marketing Trends Forecast for 2017, I inadvertently clicked on the gyming schedule, so at around 17:15, I decide to hit the gym (the benefits of having a gym at home.)

Monday, August 1, 2016

Durban: After the Storm

After the period of torrential rain in Durban, which was much needed, which was although fairly extreme and intense. Just a weird phenomena of weather patterns in S.A.

Sadly people during the torrential rain, lives where untimely lost, my deepest condolences to the respective families and in our sincere thoughts during this most arduous journey of picking up the pieces you shall remain!!!

On Thursday, I had a presentation to attend after the presentation and grabbing a bite to munch down on. I set forward to find my place of solace and revitalization.
While the Sun emerging radiant and enriching, while taking a walk (my treadmill), it was really energizing to feel this warmth emitted from the sun. It was such an amazing Cardio workout.
Durban is an exceptional beautiful place:
WP_20160728_14_15_27_Pro   WP_20160728_14_15_20_Pro
WP_20160728_14_14_49_Pro   WP_20160728_14_14_32_Pro

Amazing right! However, this only the beginning of this story, :)

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Five-step solution to starting your AMD Catalyst Control Center

Solution with Five Easy Steps when your AMD Catalyst Control Center cannot be started.

Is this screen which you’re experiencing?

Time to say Goodbye to the this screen! And Hello to Switchable Graphics in this solution with five easy steps!

This worked for me as a solution on my notebook as a solution for the AMD Catalyst Control Center, and this could work for you as well.

Have you had the following experience on your notebook with switchable graphics? 
  • AMD Catalyst Control Center cannot be started. There are currently no settings that can be configured using the Catalyst Control Center. 
  • Trying to configure Catalyst Control Center to currently no avail.

Needed (What you’re going to need):

Note: This is only for notebooks which have switchable graphics.
a. System Restore Point.
b. Internet Connectivity. 
c. Cleaning Utility (such as CCleaner) – Go here if you need the software. 
d. Administrative rights/privileges; for when you run the setup. 
-        If you are on the move, you can either bookmark this page or if you can’t view the images for some reason, then this link is your friend to get a copy.

The Five-Step Solution:

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Gaming: The Alternative Dimension

In this place, you can become whatever you may like; you are the control and dwelling deeper into the progression.
In this become the story and sometimes you create the story by the actions/decisions.
In this place the success depends on you. In this place we call Gaming!!! Just in the Game, this world only exists!

Strategize quickly and accomplish even faster; welcome to my world in gaming one of my many passions!

Half Life Mountain: A View for the TopThis passion really started, when I received Half-Life as a gift; launched with a visually pleasing trip to the office, while Gordon and I got acquainted, then later to a horde of baddies around the corner and sometimes you strafed around the around the corner to see no baddies in sight, only to hear a squishing sound, then in the realization you just entered a spawning point, this added to the experience, which kept me at the edge of my chair! Half-Life had been just so visually appealing for the time, there is one point which I remember after emerging from a tunnel; Gordon was on the top of a mountain.

An updated version called Black Mesa Source has been created; you can find-out more at although kindly note it’s an early access game at

Ah the Memories!

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Advertising Experience & Getting the Win!!!

Dearest You,
 To create a powerful representation, that serves to acquire one’s attention. Sometimes brilliantly crafted; with witty and hilarious lines, it can be deep, impactful & profound, and on occasions it is a celebration.
 Bringing from the onset sheer intensity; to arise distinctive, bold & into creation of an endeavour personified in the campaign, in the awaking off the senses, providing the need to discover, to the representation in seizing the second!
 Advertising is what we are talking about at this very moment;
 Working towards the Win!!!
 Imagine: a situation when a customer walks into brand (store, office, dealership, etc.) – and no one currently knows the promotion/offer that the customer is talking about:

Friday, July 31, 2015

Inspired Greatness - Strategy

Dearest You,

Whom inspires you?

To dream, to rise up again,
To follow the path of your life,
To be the best that you can,
To challenge yourself,
To push yourself,

There many heroes and heroines exist, in all forms various types – many have started in the places with intense challenges, faced the odds and emerged victorious. Along the journey becoming the source of inspiration, and provided an intense spring of hope!

Presenting the: Inspired Greatness Strategy ©

Thursday, July 23, 2015

For the power of 48 hours

Make your voice heard by signing the petition right-now!

Dearest You,

In the power of 48 hours:  Think about this:

Are we South Africans or cant’s? ARE WE SOUTH AFRICANS OR CANT’S?

Imagine when you go to your favourite blog – which is no longer there,

Imagine when you go to a site which inspires you to achieve and to envision – it has disappeared,

Imagine the ramifications of this – within power of retrospection,

Friday, April 17, 2015

Unified Africa

Dearest You,

This is a challenging time in S.A with the xenophobic attacks, and some of the scenes that have being viewed are really surreal. I am optimistic that voice of reason, words of inspiration, and action of creation - will prevail and succeed!

If this to continues; think about a team like Orlando Pirates that has an upcoming match in Africa - Think about the next time a South African Team or a National Team has a match in Africa!

Think about the values, the ethos and the philosophy late president Madiba stood for, and live for, and strived for! Even if it is just for a minute, think about that!

The sense of belonging in the eyes, personified in voice – the broken and shattered spirit, standing in remnants of what-once-was; a life, a livelihood, a home, innocence - while searching for the familiarity of embracing eyes. This day is enshrined to the heart and mind for a generation, and a generations’ generation and this day would live forever told from generation to generation.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Personified Contact Connections (The Contact Form 28.03)

Dearest You,

Are you going to be busy in a meeting, so it is best to reach you via email?


Are you going on a trip, so it is best to reach you via a call?

What is your communication preference, today?

Now: What are your customers/clients’ communication preferences?

This is about placing the “contact” back into the form, and building upon the journey and sometimes rejuvenation and re-invigoration  are required to create the change which is and has always being envisioned.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Essence Arising in Presence (Marketing)

Dearest you,

The Day becomes Night…The Night becomes Day….As Seconds….gives us minutes…As Minutes…gives us Hours….As Hours…gives us Days…As Days…gives us Weeks…As Weeks…=…to the opportunity continuously learn, add-value, grow, and understand.

I believe that to create the greatest experience, a brand must be inherently interrelated.

“The day we come upon this universe we have a Presence, then we are set upon an amazing, and exhilarating journey to discover, to grow, to learn and to understand the Essence of ourselves and the universe.”

                                                Think about this:
Do you have a preferred sporting event? Do you have a preferred, brand of device? Do you have a preferred gaming title? Do you have a preferred gaming console? Do you have a preferred app? Do you have a preferred sporting team/person? Do you have a preferred brand? Do you have a preferred T.V program? Do you have a preferred social-media profile? Do you have a preferred movie? Do you have a preferred type of music? Do you have a preferred newspaper, book, and/or magazine?