I am passionate about Marketing, Digital Marketing,
Strategy, Innovation and Corporate Entrepreneurship and I aspire to be the
Leader in Marketing, Digital Marketing, Strategy, and Corporate
Entrepreneurship in Durban, then S.A and then the World
In Social Media Networking Platform news
I have viewed;
has now enabled tagging/mentioning
There are more changes to be expected in the Social
Networking Media Platform
I have heard;
Twitter –On April
30th, Twitter announced that advertising would finally be available to all
users through the launch of its new, self-service ad platform. Previously,
advertisers had to be invited to use Twitter ads -- and spend a minimum amount
of money per quarter – via the full-service platform. This functionality is currently only
available in the U.S (check out http://advertising.twitter.com/2013/04/Twitter-Ads-now-generally-available-for-US-users.html
for more) I do expect the functionality to be rolled out in countries across
the world (perhaps sooner than you expect for some countries)