Wednesday, April 24, 2013

LinkedIn Tagging/Mentions - The Functionality is coming to you soon

There is news via the network that Linked In is currently testing “Mentions”/ “Tagging”
I do spend a lot of time on Online Platforms (Social Networking Media) and I acquired great insights in the aspect of Digital Marketing due to my passion for the Industry and eagerness to learn about Digital Marketing.

So the new functionality is envisioned to connect and provide notifications to the mentioned individual/brand/organization making life easier
I believe that this is a great functionality for a network with +- 200 Million consisting of individuals from many different and unique “walks-of-life”
With a colossal individual support base with the regional traffic ranking (acquired on the 13/03/2013) indicate this;

The Greatest Marketing, Digital Marketing, Advertising, Communications Strategy/Concept

The Greatest Marketing, Digital Marketing, Advertising, Communications Strategy/Concept is perhaps the oldest one but it still holds merit and adds value in the Modern Era,
Have you ever heard of a pebble meeting the water?
 I am sounding a bit out – there or you are of the impression that I am talking in riddles
So what is it The Greatest Marketing, Digital Marketing, Advertising, Communications Strategy/Concept; which is still provides;
·         A Royal Flush
·        A Try
·        A Goal
·        A Podium Line Finish
Here it is;
Take a stone/pebble drop it into a pool of water, one would see ripples in the water"

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Business Bill 2013 in South Africa - Department of Trade and Industry

With respect to the Trade and Industry Department and Minister (Dr Rob Davies)
I am always positive in regards to my outlook – which is one of the reasons why, I might have found great opportunities, but there are moments in time when things are need to be said,
As you may know or may not know the Minister of Trade and Industry in S.A(Dr Rob Davies) has drafted the “Licensing of Businesses Bill 2013”

A business is an organizational or a brand that had an entrepreneur or a group of entrepreneurs that saw a gap/opportunity in the market and the Industry and seized/leveraged the opportunity via its products and services,
In the Draft it is said:

 the state must respect, protect, promote and fulfil, the right of every citizen to choose their trade, occupation or profession and all rights in the Bill of rights which is the cornerstone of democracy in the Republic;

Provided impartially, fairly, equitably, and without bias;

Promote a culture of transparency and accountability in public bodies through legislative commands to ensure participation by every citizen in trade, occupation or profession,”

But with respect to the Trade and Industry Department and Minister(Dr Rob Davies) – the Draft goes against the constitution and probably grossly violates the rights of individuals that the constitution values 

Monday, March 25, 2013

Hashtags on Facebook? Work in progress?

Acknowledgment to all those whom are passionate about Social Networking Media and Digital Marketing
I am passionate about Marketing, Digital Marketing, Strategy, and Corporate Entrepreneurship and I wish to be the Leader in Marketing, Digital Marketing, Strategy, and Corporate Entrepreneurship in Durban, then S.A and then the World.

Facebook might be incorporating #Hashtags into the interface – but I believe that; knowing Facebook and prior developments (such as the “Graph Search” functionality)  Facebook as an innovating Brand operates and transcends into countries boundaries but I would expect the functionality to be tweaked as if as a strategy/concept (as if the functionality is just merely duplicated/imitated then as a Brand you have not set yourself apart from those whom are in the Industry and the throne of the Market Leader/s is just for a few Brands.) Facebook could just adjust the #Hashtags concept/strategy into the platform, in unique manner.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Buying Likes for Social Networking Media

Buying Likes for Social Networking Media - is not what to do on social networking media!

This my perception of the situation – the Exercise of “Buying Likes” this goes against everything that Social Networking Media is about – and actually more harm is done to a Brand Image and Brand Reputation of the respective client’s image but also the Brand Image and Brand Reputation of the organization conducting these behaviours when it is becomes apparent of what transpired – and yes social networking is about “likes” but it is also about interaction, and engagement.  

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Biz Community and our Interaction

Greetings to you as an individual,

It is was an interaction and conversation between BizCommunity’s Facebook page and myself - which is a key source of my inspiration and belief in my passions of Marketing, Digital Marketing, Strategy, Innovation, and Corporate Entrepreneurship;

Monday, December 10, 2012

Marketing, Digital Marketing, Strategy, Innovation and Corporate Entrepreneurship my passion – in 2013

Marketing, Digital Marketing, Strategy, Innovation and Corporate Entrepreneurship my passion – What we can look forward to in 2013

Greetings to you as an individual, as well as the Brands and The Organizations,

I am appreciative of the Time and Effort that you have undertaken in viewing this,

This is based on my perspective in regards to the aspect of Marketing that we as individuals hold dear – I am passionate about Marketing, Digital Marketing, Strategy, Innovation and Corporate Entrepreneurship and one of my core dreams and goals is to be a Leader in Marketing, Digital Marketing, Strategy, Innovation and Corporate Entrepreneurship.

I believe that as Internet Costs decreases and becomes continuously becomes more affordable – more individuals in South Africa will begin utilizing, sharing, interacting, engaging on the Internet and also Social Networking Media – enhancing the spectrum of online individuals whom possess the desire to share, interact, and engage with Friends, Family, Associates and as well as Brands, and Organizations that have an individual appeal to that online individual users.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Dreams and Goals of Consumers from a Strategic Marketing Perspective

Dreams and Goals of Consumers from a Strategic Marketing Perspective

Greetings to you

A Dream is a preferably position. A Goal is the working towards achievement of that Dream

I must admitted I do spend a lot of time on Facebook, and Linked – In identifying new Marketing trends and what is needed by organizations  

I have had the privilege and honour to interact with a Durban based Strategic Marketing, Events, Branding and Conceptual Design organization called Euphoria Communications ( ) I was captivated by this quote that they posted

People are driven either by dreams or deadlines.” – Under 30 CEO

This is a great and true quote, I just had to thank Euphoria Communications for sharing this quote so I responded by saying “Great quote thanks for sharing. I believe that individuals are motivated by dreams and goals. And in Strategic Marketing finding out these motivation factors – provides key insights to an organization on how to connect and interact with such individuals” 

Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Solution to the Pricing of Petrol for Organizations and Governments

The Solution to the Pricing of Petrol for Organizations and Governments

Greetings to you,

Has anyone heard of the Economic Principle called TANSTAAF – There Aint No Such Thing As A Free Lunch Some Is Always Paying

I am pro (for) Marketing, Digital Marketing, Strategy, Innovation and (Corporate) Entrepreneurship – those are my passions and I will be a Leader those respective fields,

I believe that if you are in the process of starting an organization or already running an organization, this post will add value to the operations of organization/s – and provide you with insights as to how petrol price increases affects you and as well as your customers,

I believe that most organizations (those that are established and yet to be established) in South Africa have this in common all of these organizations are influenced directly or indirectly when it comes to Petrol Price Increases, And most individual customers are affected by Petrol Price Increase

That concept of Over-Pricing Petrol and/or Continuously Increasing the Petrol Price’s, might work in theory, but  the pricing model of Petrol is inelastic (meaning that price increases have little or no effect on the demand levels - because individuals still need to travel to work, go shopping, and indirectly organizations need individuals  to ensure operations continue) - The Economy is made up of many different structures and balances - so focusing the energy on one aspect would then surely result in a imbalancement which would translate into the South African Economy as a whole, as the transport costs of goods would increase and then services would prices would increase as a result,