It is said that there always a Movie, a Show, a Song, that defines
and inspires a generation as a group of individuals, the same is true in the
Advertising Industry, great adverts have the manner to inspire, to entertain,
to share a laugh, to provide insights, to educate, and when that and the
content, the music, the tone, the ambience shines through transparently - it is
truly a joy to view and experience that creates a great and a brilliant Advert
(and/or Campaign)
Greetings to the Digital-sters, Digital-star-ess, Blog-stars, and
Blog-staress and to the Brands and the Organizations,
believe that the internal values of a Brand influence the Story, Outline, Plot,
the Tone and the Message in the Advert – also in high competitive platforms
(where there is a lot of Advertising) – the Brand Values create the means to
differential and the means to individualize the Advert to the Audience as an
Individual (in accordance to their situation/s, their experience/s via your
love Advertising that tells a Story/ or responds to a situation/experience,
sense of the individual’s favourite team (scoring a goal, a touchdown, crossing
the checked line first and a try) the pride of understanding and those are some
of the aspects that should be encapsulated in the Advert,
kindly note that there is a fine line between Distinctive and just being Brash,
a fine line between Entertaining and just being Asinine – but there is always
an Advert that encapsulates the experiences and situations those are the Advert
I treasure- that has the potential to go viral as the individuals
(customers/clients) feel understood, acknowledged (i.e. valued)